12 Reasons Australian Men Love Their Sheds - EasyShed

12 Reasons Australian Men Love Their Sheds

Reviewed by: Ella Suggate
Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Australian men love to renovate, secure, and remodel their homes. They get stuck in to interior overhaul and outdoor design improvements like landscaping, gardening, and installing garden sheds! Since shed homes serve as an extension of the home, they provide extra protection, an opportunity for a customisation project and an outlet for creativity.

Australian men have had sheds as long as there has been a need to cut the grass, mend the furniture, do the gardening or simply store the stuff. Over time, these simple storage structures have provided men an alternative space to recover from stress, work on their hobbies, and explore their passion. Sheds in Australia have grown in significance from a trivial backyard structure into something that men love. Here are the different reasons Aussie men love their sheds:

Sheds are like a man’s personal cave

Modern cavemen can become very creative in making their sheds, which come in different styles and are used for various purposes, and for housing unique collections -- a bar shed in Churchill, Victoria that resembles an old bar; a woodworker’s shed at Aberdare Hunter Valley; and a bat cave in Lockwood South, Victoria, which contains 177 cricket bats.

Shed homes can provide men with an opportunity to express their creativity, which may be impossible in a regular house. Their sheds can be DIY sheds that house a singular or mixed personal collection. An example of a singular collection shed is one exclusive to a particular thing such as a shed only for garden tools, car accessories, or power tools. A mixed personal collection shed, on the other hand, may contain pieces of furniture, paintings, a TV set, a billiard table, and a mini kitchen.
All the same, some men like to have a place where they have privacy. An escape. These sorts of sheds can become a symbol of their masculine self.

Sheds help men battle depression

Unlike women, most men tend not to talk about their emotions with their friends or family. These hidden feelings may result in depression, health problems, and flipping out. Men need time to recover. In this regard, a shed can be the best place for them: a cathartic space to release their suppressed negative feelings. In a shed, men can work on their hobbies, such as constructing models, making vehicle replicas, repairing furniture, painting art, doing figurine casts, or repairing cars.

Sheds give men an opportunity to socialise

Staying in the house for too long without connecting outside can turn someone into a hermit. A shed gives man a closer connection to his neighbours and visitors because it is more of an open dwelling and a starting point for friends to talk, nap, drink, and dine.

Shed homes can help save a marriage

Just as a shed gives a man a place to escape – working in his shed gives a wife or partner a bit of a break too! A shed can be a good place to cool heads, tune out, and get some personal space. Instead of being constantly stuck in the same space, which can exacerbate a problem, being in the shed and working on gardening, cooking, and carpentry can help a man reinvigorate his relationship.

A shed serves as an extra retirement space

Whether the man is a retired farmer, carpenter, government employee, or a programmer, sheds can provide them with a special place to organise their after-retirement activities – part-time work, freelance work, or hobbies that reflect the things they love to do whilst still working full time. Sheds can help prevent idleness and depression among old men.

Sheds enable men to become part of an organisation

The Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) supports men with sheds and their movements. First, it serves as a place for men to socialise and build trust and respect. Second, it assists men who are moving from full-time work to after-retirement activities. Third, it helps men in need of healthcare for serious and mental illnesses via health program activities. Fourth, it rehabilitates disabled men through confidence building and skills development and helps them re-enter employment. Fifth, it reduces healthcare cost and advance men’s healthcare.

Sheds encourage brotherhood

Sheds offer more than just physical benefits; they give men a place where they can share a common cause. They are likely to stick to a group of people with similar interests. Meeting someone who owns and likes a shed could forge camaraderie and brotherhood.

A shed can become a man’s personal gym

Being a man means having the need to increase their testosterones and build sturdy muscles. A shed provides them with a place to organise their set of dumbbells, treadmill, kettlebells, abdominal bench, and shelves for supplements. They can also bring their friends with them and join in the work out.

A shed provides a place for computer geeks

IT jobs are among the popular occupations in Australia, which means that more Aussies bring their work at home. They can be a full time or a part-time worker or a retiree, and their shed can be the great place to house their computer books, hard disks, memory devices, TFT monitors, laptops, and desktop computers. They can even run a mini server in the shed to test or start a business.

Customisable DIY sheds make for fun projects

Aussies love recreation and activities that help them avoid idleness and that fosters creativity. Aussie businessmen are into tribal art collecting, biking, kayaking, and gardening. Working on customisable DIY sheds is another fun project that also helps them become productive.

Sheds bring back nostalgia

Sheds bring back the nostalgia of working men’s club, which was founded in the 1800s in Australia and the UK. This club featured training and pastime activities such as billiards, raffles, and drinking.

Sheds serve as a place to relax

Aussie men love to relax in a lush garden and watch their collections such as old magazines, sports club memorabilia, and cosy furniture with various cushions. Such relaxation would mean a place to release stress and meditate.

Check out EasyShed!

If you don’t have a shed yet, then perhaps it’s time for you to have one. Customise your shed to fit your needs. Regardless of design and type, it is a highly modifiable structure that can fit your ideas, serve any need, or provide you with reliable storage space. For quality shed collections, visit EasyShed!

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