Need a Man Cave? Turn Your Shed into One - EasyShed

Need a Man Cave? Turn Your Shed into One

Need a Man Cave? Turn Your Shed into One

Every man needs their own man cave – a place where they can have some alone time, away from the noise and stresses of everyday life and a place they can call their own.

If this sounds like you, then did you know that you can design the whole thing from scratch and get to decide what the room’s purpose is? A workshop, a small home gym, a gaming room, whatever-- let your ideas go wild. You’re going to need a wide space for all the stuff you want to include in that room and make sure to avoid clutter at all times. If you’re concerned that there is no spare room in your home for your man cave, have you thought about turning your garden shed into one?
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can turn that garden shed into a magnificent manspace just for you.

Free up your garden shed space

First, you’re going to need space to store all of your garden and power tools. If you’re still using them, why not put them in the garage, along with your other tools? If not, why not give them away? You’re not going to want a great deal of clutter anyway, as it can keep you from properly reorganising or redoing a room. Starting from scratch is the best way to go. In short, empty out your garden shed and then create something awesome.

Have a concept for your man cave

Don’t treat this new space as just another room inside your house. Be creative! Make sure the space is designed according to your preferences, your hobbies, and on the sheds purpose.

Decide on what you want to place in your man cave

Utilise your space well. You don’t have to fill the room with a lot of cool stuff, posters, gadgets, lava lamps, limited collectibles, and other what-have-you’s. Include only the things you think are important to save space. If you want to add some more, you can do that later. For now, keep it open. Less is more.

Get a colourful shed to create a sense of space

Garden sheds often come in dull colors. To create the illusion of space, why not choose a shed finish in a lighter colour, as they tend to make the room look bigger than they really are. They even brighten up the room, making it more conducive for any work you may wish to accomplish.

Keep your shed clean

A clean room is a must. Just because it’s your room does not mean you can do whatever you want with it. If you want it to remain your own personal haven, be sure to keep it clean and organised.

Spruce it up

Think of this man cave as an extension of your home. Don’t hesitate to set up electricity for the appliances you want to use whilst you’re in it. Just think about it -- an air conditioned manspace where you can enjoy the cricket or maybe a footy match with your friends.

Before you begin your man cave project, here are some other considerations you may have:

Is your garden shed large enough for the man cave you have in mind?

Men have different purposes for their man caves. If you just need one to have a place where you can peacefully do some work on your computer, then perhaps your small garden shed is enough to provide what you need. However, if you need one where you can invite your friends to hang out or where you can set up a bed so you can get some rest, then your old garden shed may not be big enough for this. In this case, you may want to just purchase a new one that you can easily set up in your backyard. If you want a shed that you can personalise to suit your own taste, then a DIY shed may be the best option for you.

Another reason you may prefer to buy a new shed is that your old one may already have a lot of damage and need a lot of repairs for it to become suitable for your man cave project. Even if you manage to repair it, it may still not be sturdy enough to protect your things from the outdoor elements. At any rate, it never hurts to look at what’s available in the market.

Shop Workshop Sheds

4.5m x 2.25m Workshop Shed - EasyShed
Up to 42% + $200 off
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)

4.5m x 2.25m Workshop Shed

Height: 2.05m / 2.35m
Regular price From $1,317
Sale price From $1,317 Regular price $2,195
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Save $878
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
119 Reviews
4.5m x 3.75m Workshop Shed - EasyShed
Up to 49% + $200 off
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)

4.5m x 3.75m Workshop Shed

Height: 2.18m / 2.48m
Regular price From $1,852
Sale price From $1,852 Regular price $3,322
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Save $1,470
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
4 Reviews
4.5m x 3m Workshop Shed - EasyShed
Up to 45% + $200 off
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)

4.5m x 3m Workshop Shed

Height: 2.10m / 2.40m
Regular price From $1,635
Sale price From $1,635 Regular price $2,725
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Save $1,090
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
116 Reviews
6m x 3m Workshop Shed - EasyShed
Up to 42% + $200 off
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)

6m x 3m Workshop Shed

Height: 2.10m / 2.40m
Regular price From $1,799
Sale price From $1,799 Regular price $3,000
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Save $1,201
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
180 Reviews
7.5m x 3.75m Workshop Shed - EasyShed
Up to 54% + $200 off
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)
Slate Grey
Mist Green
Smooth Cream
+8 See 8 more option(s)

7.5m x 3.75m Workshop Shed

Height: 2.18m / 2.48m
Regular price From $2,659
Sale price From $2,659 Regular price $5,279
Unit price
Save $2,620
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

Is your man cave secure?

Your man cave will certainly contain many of your valuable things, which is why it’s important to keep it secure. You can have your room fully equipped with advance security and surveillance equipment to ensure safety. This is especially important since your man cave will be in the outdoors.

Who is allowed inside your man cave?

The last thing you’re going to want to consider is who is allowed inside. It’s a common notion that a man cave is only for the man, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. A man cave is better enjoyed when you have good company --- perhaps your family, your colleagues, or your friends. In this regard, be sure to design your man cave such that any guests you may have will feel comfortable in it.Build and design the shed of your dreams with EasyShed!

Can’t wait to have your own man cave? If your old shed cannot be freed up due to thee important things that it stores or if you’d rather have a new and bigger shed for your man cave, then buying a new shed may be the best solution for you.
EasyShed is a leading provider when it comes to DIY garden sheds. You can choose from many styles and colours, which means you can have a man cave that totally reflects your style and personality. Browse through their awesome products today!

4 Ways to Keep Your Shed Clean
15 Tips for Building a Better Shed