How Do I Find the Right Size Shed? - EasyShed

How Do I Find the Right Size Shed?

Reviewed by: Yna Feliciano
Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Are you in market for a shed? Some outdoor storage you’ve always needed for your backyard? If so, then this article is here to help you choose the right size for your needs. For the average Australian, an outdoor shed is used to serve any number of purposes; from simple garden tool storage, right through to protecting your vehicles and machinery. Choosing the right size shed is important, and will mean when it comes time for building a shed – the final product is perfect for you!

One of the most common complaints among households after building a shed is “It’s too small.” If a shed is too big, that’s can be an even bigger problem. With this article, we hope to provide a guide for you to avoid ending up unhappy with your garden shed.

If only finding a shed was as simple as knowing your clothing size! The dimensions stated for most sheds online, are generally for the total width, depth or height and include the roof overhangs, walls etc. Keep this in mind when you are on the hunt for the best shed.

Does the shed size matter?

Some people give little thought to the size of their shed and are driven by price. That’s ok if you have plenty of backyard space and can build a shed anywhere in it.

However there are other things to consider around the size of your shed; will it require council approval? The bigger the shed (generally over 10m2) the more likely your local council will require a permit.

Though it may sound vain, how will the final garden shed look in your space? Too small and it can throw of the balance of your garden, too big and it can distract from your home’s appeal. Basically, size matters if you want the best shed.

Finding the right size shed doesn’t have to be complicated, and here we outline the key things to consider when researching for the best shed for your needs.

Choose the location for your shed

A shed should complement the space surrounding it. Before deciding on the size, it’s important to measure the space where you plan to build a shed. Have a look at your yard - is there a spot that looks ideal for a shed? Do you want the shed to stand out, or blend in? Is there a spot you want to tuck it away out of site? Here’s a tip: most people place a shed near the exterior walls of their home or along their fence line in order to maximise the remaining backyard space.

Also consider the alignment of your garden shed – which side do you want access from? Are you wanting to include windows or a path?

Don't rush it, be sure to find the spot in your space perfect for building a shed.

Measure the area for your shed

Now with the location decided, the first dimension you need to consider is the width of your shed. Most shed’s come with the doors located on the width. So the side you want to have access from should be the space you measure to know the maximum width.

Then you can proceed with determining the right depth of the shed. How far to you want the shed to come out from the ‘back’ of the space you plan to build in? How much space inside the shed do you need to store your intended tools or garden equipment? Ask yourself these types of questions to help determine the ideal depth for your shed.

Lastly, think of the height. Many sheds come with a standard wall height of around 1.8m, approximately 6ft tall. There are Tall Shed options on the market, with up to 2.4m in total height – much like the inside of a traditional Aussie home.

The roof pitch will then determine the peak height of your shed, we outline how to choose this option next.

Choose the style of your shed roof

You can choose from various roof options including:

  • Gable : a more traditional pitched roof style, with the peak in the centre of the roof structure
  • Skillion : a slanted roof style, with the highest point at the fron or back, and the roof sloping.
  • Flat: a more modern look, no pitch just flat roof sheeting.
    - Barn: a bit more of an American style, and mimicking the style of their barns.

When building a shed, the roof you choose can depend on a number of factors such as weather, yard location, additional storage space needs, personal taste and more.

Each roof style has its pros and cons, if you aren’t sure or don’t have a specific look in mind – it’s best to call the professionals and speak with the shed manufacturer about your requirements. They will help you select the best shed and size.

Consider your sheds content and accessories

The final thing you should consider when figuring out the right size shed for your needs is the type of added extras you plan to include. For example, you may want to save space by swapping the traditional hinged style door for a sliding door, to allow for extra depth in the shed.

Perhaps you want to include a garden bed along the front or side of your shed, this should be included within the space you allocate for building a shed and will determine the dimensions you can have for the structure itself.

Lastly, what about how you plan to use the space inside? Do you need a certain width or depth to allow for shelving? Or a specific height to allow for hanging certain equipment?


For most Australians, a garden shed is simply a storage solution for your needs. The changing Australian weather isn't much of a consideration. But for some, it is important to have a structure which can withstand sever storms and cyclonic weather.

If this is you, then you need to consider a shed custom manufactured for extreme weather. These tend to come in fewer sizes, and are less customisable so you may be limited in terms of size choice.

Buy your shed online

Choosing the best shed is made easier once you understand the size you need. Buy your garden shed online to allow for easy research and comparison across sizes and models.

With EasyShed, you can choose from a variety of shed sizes, and quality is backed up by a Lifetime Warranty. Our team of Sheddie’s will help you pick the best shed for your specific needs.

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