Keep Dry with a Raised Shed - EasyShed

Keep Dry with a Raised Shed

Reviewed by: Ella Suggate
Updated: Jul 27, 2021

Intense tropical cyclones and hurricanes are becoming a common occurrence in Australia. Both the West and East coasts are being hit by severe storms, bringing flooding and leading to lots of damage for residents.

Expensive equipment and tools are vulnerable in weak sheds that are on substandard foundations. They can’t stand up against the fury of mother nature. Without a well-built foundation, backyard flooding will continue to reach your shed’s contents and ruin them.

If having an outdoor storage facility is important to your needs, but you live in an area where severe storms are frequent, getting a cyclone-proof shed is ideal.

But, is it enough to keep your valuables dry?

Whether you have an EasyShed Storm Shed or any kind of cyclone-proof shed, the best way to prevent your goods from getting water damaged is to invest in a solid foundation that’s raised a few inches off the ground to stop rainwater from coming in. If the shed’s foundation is poorly placed and incompetently built it won’t stand a chance against flooding.

Concrete slabs are excellent foundations for any storage shed and are great for this purpose. They provide a safe and solid level surface to work on, and with concrete fixings, they will securely anchor your shed to the ground.

Before building your concrete slab, it’s important to know what the natural watercourse of your property is during the rainy season. Avoid places where water tends to accumulate. Make sure the build site has natural drainage and no standing water.

A raised rebated concrete slab that’s at least 6 inches above the surrounding ground is an ideal height to prevent water from rushing in and doing damage to your shed’s contents. It has an additional step in the slab where the top part of your slab will be the flooring of your shed, and the wall panels will sit on the lowered or ‘rebated’ edge.

Not only does a rebated slab prevent water-entry, it also prevents mice, rats, and other vermin from digging their way into your shed and ruining your goods.

In summary, building a raised concrete slab as the foundation of your garden shed will keep your shed’s contents dry and in good condition. Regardless of how cyclone-proof your garden shed is, if the shed foundation is not raised, backyard flooding can still ruin your shed’s contents.

If you’re in the market for a garden shed, consider a cyclone-proof shed. OurEasyShed Storm Shed can withstand winds of up to 316 km/hr. These can ride out Category 5 cyclone conditions! Rated in Australia for Region D, Terrain Category 2.

The high-strength ribbed cyclone frame design will ensure your goods will always stay dry and secure. It’s the toughest and most durable garden shed on the market.

Need more tips on how to waterproof your garden shed? Read our “Waterproofing Your Garden Shed” post here.

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