Winter has well and truly arrived and for our friends on the East Coast this has meant facing the wrath of an arctic blast, direct from Antarctica. Just as chilly as it sounds, the arctic blast has been a shock to the system. On the bright side, it has also led to some welcome snowfall in some parts of Australia.
Having designed and manufactured DIY assembly storage sheds in Australia for over 30 years, we understand that surviving (and even enjoying!) extreme weather conditions such as snow is all about preparation.
Extreme climates shouldn’t compromise you or your family’s lifestyle. Whether you plan on hauling the ski-gear out and hitting the slopes or simply want to keep your valuables safe and dry, we’ve developed a range of sheds that stand up to extreme weather conditions.
The Storm Shed is the toughest EasyShed on the market and your best choice for locations such as Falls Creek in Victoria, which experiences significant snowfall. Our snow shed is specially designed to withstand heavy snow loads of up to 60 pounds per square foot.
Want to learn more? Take a look around our website and examine our range of customisation options to find a shed that suits you.